Every Step of the Way
How Ron Cope Became a Leader in Youth Development
Ron Cope has helped transform our community schools in the Bronx.
Youth Advocate for Better Community Services in Washington, D.C.
Our student artists shared ideas about how to improve their communities on Capitol Hill.
Teens Learn Valuable Skills through YASS Program
The Youth Action Summer Symposium taught students leadership skills and teamwork.
Inspiration and Hope Drive Class of 2020
24 youth gathered via Zoom to celebrate their accomplishments as they virtually accepted their scholarship awards.
High School Students Celebrate Black History Month
Curtis High School on Staten Island organized a Black History Month assembly to celebrate black culture and achievements
A Right of Passage: Celebrating the 2019 Scholarship Awards
18 teens from the class of 2019 were awarded scholarships totaling more than $82,000.
A Career Milestone in the Bronx
Angel Romero has helped more than 100 people in the Bronx receive their GEDs
Blooming Advocacy: A Road to Renaming Our Street
Students and faculty from Fannie Lou Hamer Freedom High School petition local community board to rename a street Fannie Lou Hamer Street.
Seven Days in Albany
The start of advocacy season begins with a trip to Albany to secure funding for key programs and services.
Teens Receive an Inside Look into the Media Industry
MSG Classroom provides high school students with the skills needed for jobs in television.
Just Ask Them: Teens Need TPP
Our teen sexual health mentors share their thoughts on why Teen Pregnancy Prevention programs are important.
Prioritizing Foster Youth College Success
More than 100 student activists urge state leaders to fully fund a college success initiative.