2023 Children's Aid Benefit

Guests enjoying cocktail hour

Children's Aid staff at the pop-up book step and repeat with featured youth speaker Emmanuel Ferrerias and Children's Aid President and CEO Phoebe Boyer

Jill Johnson, Tom Reynolds, and Moria Cappio

Todd Snyder, Jeff Aronson, Phoebe Boyer

Featured speakers for the evening (L-R): Emmanuel Ferrerias, Isis Troxler, Jeff Aronson, Phoebe Boyer, Josiah Lee Johnson, and Amaiah Santana

Children's Aid Trustees and Emeriti with Phoebe Boyer

Children's Aid alumnus Donny Mendez entertaining the in-person audience with his musical stylings on the saxophone

A bird's eye view of the ballroom from the balcony

President and CEO Phoebe Boyer welcoming guests and sharing remarks

Board Chair Jill Olson and Phoebe Boyer during dinner

Phoebe Boyer visiting Children's Aid staff tables at the benefit

Phoebe Boyer posing with a second staff table at the benefit

The 13th annual Children's Aid Benefit in full swing

Corporate partner Mediterranean Shipping Company in front of our larger than life bookends

Children's Aid alumna Chanel A. Ramírez sharing her "I am a Children's Aid Kid" story

Youth Co-hosts Isis Troxler and Josiah Lee Johnson engaging in a fun moment on stage

Executive Vice President Sandra Escamilla-Davies sharing remarks and thanking guests for their support of Children's Aid

Featured youth speaker and keynote Emmanuel Ferrerias inspiring guests with his Children's Aid story

Lucas Hunt of Hunt Auctioneers leading an exciting and successful paddle raise

Lucas Hunt walking the floor to capture every bid

Rhonda Braxton and Beth Leventhal enjoying the paddle raise moment