
Children's Aid Receives 11th Consecutive 4-Star Rating from Charity Navigator

New York – The Children’s Aid Society is pleased to announce that it has received its 11th consecutive four-star rating from Charity Navigator, the nation’s largest independent charity evaluator.

The Children’s Aid Society is the first organization in Charity Navigator history to receive 11 consecutive 4-star ratings.

“We are delighted that Charity Navigator has evaluated Children’s Aid and found it ‘exceptional’ for the 11th consecutive year. As the only organization to achieve this distinction, we are especially pleased as we know that donors rely on the Charity Navigator rankings to help them decide how to direct their donations,” said Children’s Aid President and CEO Richard R. Buery, Jr. “Charity Navigator provides assurance and guidance that Children’s Aid is fiscally responsible and financially healthy, which is particularly important during these uncertain financial times.”

According to the evaluator’s web site, its “ratings provide clear, objective, and reliable assessments of the financial health of charities. By utilizing our ratings, givers can truly know how a charity's financial health compares with other charities throughout the country.” The Children’s Aid Society also received high marks in Charity Navigator’s accountability review. As recently published on the charity evaluator’s blog, “We believe that charities that are accountable and transparent are more likely to act with integrity and learn from their mistakes because they want donors to know that they're trustworthy.”

The Children’s Aid Society is an independent, not-for-profit organization established to serve the children of New York City. Our mission is to help children in poverty to succeed and thrive. We do this by providing comprehensive supports to children and their families in targeted high-needs New York City neighborhoods. Founded in 1853, it is one of the nation’s largest and most innovative non-sectarian agencies, serving New York’s neediest children. Services are provided in community schools, neighborhood centers, health clinics and camps. For additional information, please call Anthony Ramos at (212) 949-4938/ (347) 439-7727, email or visit

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